Homemade Soymilk
Yongkie Hurd’s Homemade Soy Milk This recipe is originally from China. It requires only a few ingredients and the results are fantastic. You can adjust the sweetness and flavors to your personal taste.
- 12 ounces (335 grams) dried organic soybean
- 14 cups water
- 4 1/4 ounces sugar (120 grams)
- Pandan leaf or 1 tsp almond extract, optional
- In a large bowl, cover dry soybeans with a lot of water and soak overnight. The beans will triple in volume.
- In a blender, combine 1 cup of soaked soybeans with 3-1/2 cups of water. Blend for two minutes until smooth. Repeat the process 3 more times, or until all of the soybeans are blended. If your blender won’t hold all 3-1/2 cups water, you can do this in 4 batches.
- Using cheesecloth, strain the blended soybeans into a large pot, making sure to wring all of the liquid from the beans. Repeat until all of the soybean mixture is strained. Skim the foam from the strained soymilk.
- Strain the soymilk 2 more times; to make sure that the soymilk is very smooth. Pour strained soymilk into a large pot.
- Add the optional pandan leaf (if using) to the strained soymilk. Over medium heat, bring the soymilk to a boil. Let the soymilk simmer for 20 minutes and remove from heat. Add the sugar, stirring well. Return pot to heat, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove pot from heat. Let soymilk cool completely. Once soymilk is cooled, remove Pandan leaf.
- Pour soymilk into a clean glass pitcher and refrigerate right away. Soymilk will last refrigerated for up to one week.
- Makes almost about 1 gallon